No one gets out alive

A house, a girl, an evil presence: horror movie 101.

(It would be nice sometimes to have a decent plot)

The movie is about Ambar, an illegal immigrant who moves to Cleveland after the death of her mother. Here she ends up finding the only affordable place being a room in a big old house in the suburbs. So the girl finds the house (or vice versa?) and the house shows the girl that all the charges are already included: ghostly presences, creepy whispering, old man banging his head against the wall, failing lights: the whole package.

I am personally very confused by many Netflix productions because somehow I always feel like there is something missing, and that something is always related to the plot.

This movie overall it’s actually ok, even better than most of the garbage we can find around and this is why I’m a little bothered. Yes, for sure it is nothing original or revolutionary but does its job avoiding most of the cliches that I am personally sick of such as teenagers/kids bullism, group of friends getting lost and deciding that splitting the group is the best idea, the “nobody believes I see things” until it’s too late and sex scenes.

“No one gets out alive” manages to create the right amount of suspense, even without scaring much, and it doesn’t lose track of Ambar succeeding to keep us focused on her background story with the natural curiosity of finding out what is going on in that haunted house.

Unfortunately we will never know unless we read the novel (thank you Wikipedia for clarifying all my doubts). Without going into many details I reached the end with the frustration about not knowing what was all that about. Thinking from the beginning that the house was haunted and be disproved towards the end it’s something rare and very satisfying, but it’s not enough if not supported by an explanation and because of that leaves unfortunately the viewer with too many WTF.

In the end it’s not bad, but it could have been a little better.

Mr. Yellow

Do you think that putting the stone box upside down would have solved the problem?
What’s with the paint/powder on doors and walls?
Ghost fights in a movie not ghost related?
How a 50/55kg girl with a broken ankle can take an 85/90kg man from the 2nd (or 3rd) floor to the basement?
What’s with the butterflies?

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