Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood

Once upon a time there was indeed a land, a place where dreams were coming true. A land full of colors, full of hope, where people chased ambition, fantasies and freedom. Memories of a childhood where we used to see us there one day, living our life to the fullest driving a convertible, having a burger with a milkshake at the drive-in.

This is not just a movie, this is an experience. Tarantino wants the viewer to feel, to embrace, to touch the atmosphere of a Los Angeles in transition going towards the end of an era and shaping to a new beginning. We get carried away and cuddled by the music, by the lights of a colorful city, a better time perhaps, or perhaps a time where it was easier to hide secrets.

We are taken by hand through the life of Rick Dalton, living his downfall, his depression and his morning margaritas: all this in those deep blue eyes. It is undoubtedly magnificent.

The melancholia of a city believed to be still innocent and unprepared to be torn apart by violence and crime to the eyes of the world.

It is interesting how every scene begins with the best intentions and ends in the worse way, or the other way around: from the innocent hitchhiking of Pussycat to a massive hate show, from a depressed and hopeless Rick on set to his best performance.

Music and good songs will never leave us alone, this seems to be the theme, this seems to be the contagious heartwarming smile of Margot Robbie while driving on the highway. Pervaded by this impulse of singing and dance, to be happy because after all what else should matter more than that? Sing, be free.

This is a reminder of the world we live in and the world we could and should live in. A personal shout out that history cannot be changed, but the world can. Cinema belongs to people and Tarantino sent us back to Los Angeles with the purpose of questioning the audience with a big “What if?” as a farewell.

What if on that dark and sad night in 1969 those people knocked instead at the wrong door? What if.

Maybe we would have continued singing songs, seeing the good things where and when we want to see them and never wake up. What if.

I don’t know much about “what ifs”, but I know what and what I’m gonna do is tune up some OST, headphones on, eyes closed and fly away waving my head and smiling to the world.

Mr. Yellow

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